what is the formula of q1?
with just a second after the question.
SiR:yes venice?
(halaa. san galing un? imbento akuu formula. sorry po. nde q alam ee.) :]
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
what is the formula of q1?
with just a second after the question.
SiR:yes venice?
(halaa. san galing un? imbento akuu formula. sorry po. nde q alam ee.) :]
Long Test.
i jus wanted to post.
physics is lurvvve. :]
Long test.
apenas mi. :]
segundina venizziachie nadah ramirez jamias herthce. venice jamias. loves physics soo much.
hable conmigo. =p
moi friendster.mi pasado.
August 2007